The paper submission and reviewing process will be conducted through the ICASSP-2023 paper management system (Microsoft CMT). To submit your paper, please use the link
Accepted papers will be published in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library, and use the IEEE format. Manuscript Templates are available at
When preparing posters for the conference, please bear in mind that the poster area will include poster boards of 1.35m wide and 1m high, so any poster should be smaller than this. They are suitable for A0 size posters in landscape orientation. The landscape orientation is new this year and differs from previous editions of SLTAT. Keep in mind that people might need to "read" your poster from some distance, so make everything large enough! In addition, sufficient push tacks or Velcro adhesive will be provided for mounting the posters. The presenters will have time to mount their poster during the transition prior to each session.
The parent conference ICASSP 2023 has a policy that all poster presenters must check-in with the Session Chairs prior to the session start and remain with their posters throughout the presentation. Failing to do this may lead to marking no-show or absence of the author. Please remove your poster at the end of your allocated session. Posters left mounted to the boards after end of the session will be removed and disposed. For more information please refer to ICASSP 2023 Author presentation instructions.